Kaptography Magazine: A New Approach to View Fine Art Photography from the Louisiana area.

For many years I have written down various ideas highlighting many things that I do because sometimes I have a tendency to be very private. This is very difficult when you come up with ideas all day for many clients. I became a photographer in a time when doing for your client was everything. My first memories of grabbing a camera were not for myself…always for clients or for a sales experience to show a client what we wanted the world to see. With that being said, I never really knew I could take a picture until people started requesting me as their photographer. I just thought I would use the camera to better illustrate what I was thinking. For many years I had to understand that not everyone sees the same things I do as I am illustrating my ideas in my mind. So to me, building my ‘thoughts’ and taking a picture always made a lot more sense. I am thankful for my early clients for seeing something in me to request me. I am thankful for those early pictures taken to show me how much I love the outdoors.

For myself the many years of sales and technology experience I have; to be fused together is exciting. I have created hundreds of websites… a few for magazines that you may have heard of.

I have also created many digital magazines in my spare time to perfect the art of resolution to the ‘reader.’ The trio of magazines I am currently working on have taught me that ‘times are inevitably changing’. Kaptography Magazine will be one of 3 being produced by myself at this time. As my ideas blossom, so will this magazine. I enjoy the shock approach for this format because it makes people excited… but the ‘feeling’ approach is to myself an aspect that will prove that everything an artist takes a picture of should be explained. When it comes to buying Fine Art, knowing the thoughts of the piece you own are important to me. This is one of the main purposes for building Kaptography Magazine.

The Image to the left was taken while walking to take a picture of the Dragon Boat Festival in the New Iberia, Louisiana area. When I saw this bush of flowers, I immediately thought how I would love to put together a puzzle when I raised my camera to snap the picture. Every time I see this image I remember hours of fun putting together puzzles as a child. The thought always makes me smile.

I have also always put my clients in the spotlight which I do enjoy doing. We will continue this tradition. Everything you see here will be an idea similar to creating a cake from start to finish.  It will be nice to show my technology knowledge for a change… blended with creativity of the places I am lucky to see. I do hope you enjoy what you see here.

Thank You for visiting the NEW Kaptography Magazine.

Taking a picture is a friendship. I say this because every time I have my camera, I have never felt like it was not my friend. A camera stayed right next to me for the first 6 years of ownership. I still own this camera to remind me to ‘get outside’ more often than not. When I hold my camera I never feel like it is not a part of myself. At times I keep it to my eye forcing myself to focus as it were my eye. I believe doing this is the best way to learn what your camera can do. It may also teach you a new way of being able to see what others see and how they see themselves making you inevitably better at being a photographer.

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